Campus IB CIS

Jan 10, 20211 min

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2021 and welcome to the second half of our school year. 2020 was certainly full of many challenges, but there were also many reasons to celebrate.

We celebrated our December winners in K - 5 Living the Learner Profile.

BE THE CHANGE over break. Spreading joy and being the change. 5th graders took time to visit Ms. Glickman and deliver some holiday cheer. A second grader celebrates a very CIS birthday. One of our fourth graders plays the recorder via Zoom, along with Mrs. Pohl for a local nursing home. And congratulations to Mrs. Weber, who was recognized as the MonSTAR teacher.

More joy through music in the last weeks of December, with our Zoom concerts and a socially- distanced performance that appeared on Channel 8. SEE VIDEO HERE.

Our first grade thinkers designed elf traps before leaving for break. Check out their creativity.

Fifth grade researchers and communicators shared celebrations from around the world.


We are all so excited and ready to celebrate our return to learning together.

Join us for Morning Meeting in PYP. See Campus email and teacher communication for link and password:)

What's Your Word?

Teachers, students and staff spent time during our first week back picking their word for 2021. This word can take the place of a resolution and serve as a personal focus or theme for the year. Read more about it here.

Here is a start from staff and students. Looking forward to hearing more on Monday:)
