This transdisciplinary theme is an inquiry into the Global Context of orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.
We are six weeks into the new school year and we have been celebrating our personal histories and our place in time at school this year, as we consider how we are all connected.
Living the Learner Profile
We celebrated these K-2 inquirers. They ask great questions, are always curious, make connections and take action!
More living the learner profile in our classrooms. We are working on defining what an inquirer is and how each of us puts that attribute into action.
Being balanced is a part of our day!
Soccer season is in full swing and these dedicated athletes are ready to play. Some of our Grade One readers spent time celebrating books at the Cleveland Public Library with Mr. Gordon.
Time to play is time to learn. Second grade thinkers learn to think and work together playing games.
Building community and expressing who we are
These creative Grade Two students are creating comics and avatars to show what they know about relationships makers and breakers as they consider how to solve conflict peacefully
Grade number 2, where are you?
Grade two communicators show us around the room with their photos. They are pointing out important places. If you like I spy book- visit this second grade class and tru to find everyone on the walls.
We continue to learn about each other with these identity maps.
Getting creative with tiny desks in Grade 4.
Individuals and Societies historians are always thinking about orientation in space and time.
This Individuals and Societies classroom walls are covered with student created content inspired posters.
Math is everywhere
Check out these Grade 6 Mathematicians. They have described the Math in fashion, weather, basketball and the playground.
Art and who we are
MYP artists created these sculptures for Ingenuity Fest. These sculptures also include messages from the artists about who they are, that might not be known just by looking at them.
Fathers, families and Friends
Thanks for joining us to start the day at the Annual walk.
CIS Reads
We read a lot and we read every day:)