In September we were communicators and focused on communication skills. We used communication to learn, share, express and celebrate!
According to the International Baccalaureate, communicators, "express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups."
Morning meetings are back, and our first meetings were spent celebrating communicators.
We started the week with the K- 2 meeting
So many confident communicators to celebrate. These learners were recognized for sharing stories and ideas, listening, communicating with "smiles, hugs, high fives and kind words" and making sure everyone "feels heard". Mr. Morris communicated with a surprise freestyle, and we learned so much about being a communicator. We also were reminded that Mr. Morris can really rhyme.
3-5 Morning Meeting and more clear and confident communicators!
So much celebrating at the 3-5 meeting and Jade created sketch notes to communicate and capture it all!
Donuts with Dudes: We communicate and collaborate
What a great way to start the day! We had so much fun learning with each other and thanks to all the dads, dudes and families who joined us. We played instruments together, made crafts and worked on morning activities together.
Collaborating and communicating with a design challenge in Ms. Kovacs room as they work together and cheer each other on.
Communication is key and our PEACE team mediators know how to communicate.
The CMSD WAVE program trained 22 new peer mediators at CIS. This is our third group of students trained to meditate. they spent many hours learning, practicing, and communication skills were essential to their success. Expect to hear more about mediation and our new mediators in October.
Our classroom walls communicate our learning
Third grade is exploring the central idea: Humans create systems that shape relationships in the community. They begin with identity and family relationships and then moved to the school and community.
Making the world a better place with teamwork in 4th grade.
First graders are exploring the ways people work together to build communities, and our learners are taking action and finding ways to share their learning with others.
Fifth graders are finding out about form in their unit of inquiry. Their reading has helped them answer the question: What kinds of circumstances push people to create new inventions?
4th grade mathematicians explain their thinking and evaluate their work and the work of others using criteria.
We are always working on understanding and developing the Learner Profile. Check out these self- portraits that highlight learner profile attributes. October focus Is reflective as we prepare for student-led conference.