Our virtual classrooms continue to make creativity a priority. Across the school and across the city teaching and learning at Campus International continues with creativity in digital and traditional forms. Our community members are also working to "Be the change" with creativity and kindness.
First Grade Fun with Magnificent Things!
First Grade Inquirers are exploring Where we are in place and time. They are thing about the many ways People, places and things change over time. With so many changes in school and in life lately, it is the perfect unit to start with. They are considering the purpose of tools and wondering how tools change and are designed to meet needs. Readers and thinkers read The Magnificent Thing and thought of a problem or need. They planned, prepared, created and celebrated their own magnificent things. Their creativity shows. Magnificent things included a bad dream catcher, a toy box to clean up, a water bottle that odes not spill, a hamster bed, a workstation organizer, a socially-distant candy dispenser for Halloween and many more.
Math in many ways.
Story problems with illustrations in Grade one and decimals on paper and on the computer. There are so many ways to learn.
Kindness and Peace in Grades One and Two
Getting Creative in Visual Art
Miss Cohen and our CIS artists have been busy in PYP Visual Art. Check out Miss Cohen's Home art office. It is beautiful and inspiring. Creativity is everywhere with this name projects using items around the house. Art is everywhere and it can pay tribute and respect with these RBG drawings.
A big shout out to all who have helped distribute technology and especially to Mrs. Dailey. She has worked so hard to set up computers and get them working for families and students. If you are in need of technology please contact Mrs. Grzelak Mary.grzelak@clevelandmetroschools.org
Be The Change
Our school-wide them this year is Be the Change. We are encouraging the CIS community to Be the Change they want to see in the world. One of our second graders is helping to paint the Old Brooklyn mural. It looks great - creativity and action.
Thinking about change and inspiring others
Check out this comics from MYP - thoughts about what needs to be changed and being the change. We can't wait to see the action they take:)
How will you be the change? Please share with us.
Open House is this week. Hope to see you there:)