In PYP our transdisciplinary theme is HOW WE EXPRESS OURSELVES. The MYP Global Context is Personal and Cultural Expression.
Each year students explore a theme or context around expression and this year we plan to explore this theme all year as we use express who we are while celebrating our 10 year anniversary.
We inquire into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.
This is how we express ourselves.
Have you noticed this beautiful mural on the East 22nd stairwell windows? Some of our current sixth grade artists and collaborators (pictured below) worked with community members from Campus District and Norma Herr to create this beautiful mural. Read more about the project here. We are looking forward to more community projects like this one in the year ahead,
We express ourselves through creative work and creative poses.
“Everybody is talented because everybody who is human has something to express.” ― Brenda Ueland
First grade artists express feelings and ideas in the style of Keith Haring.
Appreciation of the Aesthetic
Third grade observers and creators explore geometry and architecture. Looking for the role of shape and symmetry in community structures and appreciating their beauty and function.
Third grade communicators shared their work through presentations on the architecture at Beaumont School, MOCA and many more. Look at the lines, shapes and angles.
Projects show how we “extend and enjoy our creativity”. These third graders also reflected on their work and shared feedback.
More creativity in choices and design. Looking at geometric shapes at Carvana, the Terminal Tower, a restaurant and a playground.
More communication and expression through a gallery walk. Sharing ideas and asking questions.
More math discovery and expression
Building using shapes and thinking about numbers in Mathematics.
Connection and expression exploring multiplication.
Using ratios to create colors and shades in Maths to get just the right green. We connect Math and Art.
Expression, Science and cooking.
Creativity and chemistry in the kitchen. these MYP Science students make breakfast and consider chemical changes .
The Energy Guys share share Science knowledge and ways to conserve with a fun performance. Thanks Mrs. Arens for bringing this performance.
“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” –Toni Morrison
MYP writers share personal narratives writing “the book they want to read”.
More writing as Grade 5 writers work with beginning writers in Kindergarten.
Kindergarten wraps up their Unit of Inquiry _ Who We Are
Expressing learning throughout the unit with visible artifacts.
Exploring creativity and studying the past
Creative expression of civilizations. Individuals and Societies students created Sumer, Ur and more in games like Minecraft or through drawing. More creativity and expression with real estate advertisements to persuade.
Join us for K-5 Morning Meeting and One Million Acts of Kindness
Morning Meeting will begin at 8:30. Parent coffee and conversation immediately before. Join the Kindness Generation with visit from the One Million Acts of Kindness founder.
And remember to join us on Wednesday.