In both our PYP and MYP learners participate in a culminatimg project. These projects provide the young people of Campus International the opportunity to participate in self- directed inquiry and action that aims to make the world a better and more peaceful place.
The Exhibition is a self-designed inquiry project that takes place in Grade Five as learners consolidate knowledge and skills developed in the PYP. This year learners collaborated and presented projects virtually due to COVID-19.
Exhibition is an opportunity to:
engage in an in-depth inquiry project
show agency and responsibility for their learning
demonstrate the attributes of the learner profile
try to explore multiple perspectives
monitor, document and present their learning
apply their learning as they research and ask questions
take action as a result of their learning
work with peers, families and teachers
reflect on their PYP learning
engage with the broader learning community and celebrate their achievements
View our CIS Virtual Exhibition Gallery here.
The Community Project provides an opportunity for young people to engage with their community and take action through an independent service project. This project should be a consolidation of their learning throughout the PYP and MYP programme at Campus International School. Students will begin by examining their own beliefs and passion. It will include an inquiry of needs in their community and they will then begin to investigate and explore a particular need in groups of one to three. These projects were worked on and completed during 2nd and third quarter, but did not have a chance to share at our annual symposium.
The aims of MYP projects are to encourage and enable students to:
participate in a sustained, self-directed inquiry within a global context
generate creative new insights an d develop deeper understandings through in-depth investigation
demonstrate the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to complete a project over an extended period of time
communicate effectively in a variety of situations
demonstrate responsible action through, or as a result of learning
appreciate the process of learning and take pride in their accomplishments
Check out our community projects here.
2019-2020 Memories
As we end the school year, take a moment to read some memories is our Year in Review.
Stayed tuned to the blog this summer. We will return in late June with updates.