October has been a busy month. We were focused on the Learner Profile attribute of Reflective.
According to the IB, "We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development."
This month was full of reflecting in and celebrating our growth and accomplishments.
We recognized students who have been very reflective. These learners were described as "always taking the time to reflect on what went well and what could be improved", "never afraid to ask questions and seek feedback. It shows that he values growth and learning", and, "she thinks about the ways that we learned or she has learned."
Reflective in PYP (K-5)
Check out all the great ideas about reflection in the sketch notes our Grade 5 artists created.
Our musicians, singers and dancers have been busy. We heard our choir sing at Morning Meeting and learned some square dancing with Mrs. Pohl.
We also heard amazing performances from our band and orchestra.
Art is everywhere at CIS. Some of our youngest artists in Grade One created these colorful and cute creations.
Grade 8 artists get very creative while choosing their studio projects and working independently in the medium of their choice.
More art on display at student-led conferences.
Spirit Week and conference week were full of reflection and fun!
Check out these professional looks as our thinkers and learners got dressed up to share their learning and growth at student- led conferences.
Our scholars spent time gathering their work and reflecting to share their growth, learning and goals with families and friends.
Book Character Day is a tradition at CIS and each year we find out more about our favorite characters.
Pumpkin characters in a creative Kindergarten family project.
These characters are connected to the Learner Profile.
More books and characters.
We had a great time and connected to these characters while analyzing traits and supporting our opinions on the Learner Profile.
Thinking and Inquiring
Grade 3 learning about government while exploring our U.S. Constitution.
What do we want to know in Grade 6 Individuals and Societies.
Fall Fest was fantastic. Thanks to our 8th graders, SPO and many volunteers and vendors.
Thanks to our CIS Ambassadors and Student Council for planning Spirit Week.
We had Dress Like your grown- up day.
And so much fun with twins and triplets dressed the same!
It has been a couple of very busy weeks. We learned, reflected and celebrated.
In November, we are focused on being Inquirers and are wondering what we will learn and do this month.