Student-led conferences took place this week and were a great opportunity for students to share their learning with families and make plans for growth. These conferences are a meaningful way for learners to be reflective. Reflection is an integral part of the IB programme and is weaved through all aspects of learning. According to the IB, as reflective learners,
We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.
So many families joined us on Wednesday for student- led conferences.
Our learners showed what they know at math stations and families inquired together looking at art work and completing a See… Think… Wonder. Writers shared their finished pieces and works in progress.
Teachers and families listened as learners communicated their reflections and goals. Our learners created schedules and explored the room with their families.
Reflections took many forms and showed thinking and planning.
Sharing work and reflections.
Conferences were enjoyed by everyone!
Reflecting on International-mindedness.
Reflecting on our work together and appreciation
Fourth graders help second graders create powerpoint to share their learning.
Our third grade action takers are being kind and encouraging others with posters and stickers. Inquiry and thinking about our Earth and our responsibilities as many of our units explore sharing the planet.
Celebrating teamwork and sending our soccer team off to the playoffs. They had a great season!. Thanks to everyone who came out support them and a big thank you to coaches Mr. Bubbett and Mr. Dudik.
The girls basketball team ready for their game. They have been playing well. Thank you to our community for their support and coaches Mr. Hicks and Mr. Mathis.
There are a lot of great activities happening after school. Cartoonists are working in the art room and dance team practice is starting.
Book Fair and Lit Fest
Lots of shopping at the book fair and enjoying great new books. Thanks for supporting our school when you purchase from the Scholastic Book Fair. We are able to use Scholastic Dollars earned from this fair to purchase books for our library, book club sets and maker materials. Thanks to our PCO, our volunteers and especially Cathryn Bergman and Kelly Richey for all their hard work.
The Lit Fest was full of fun and so much student activity. Our Young Men’s Group provided food for the fest and served. Grade 4 writers and readers and some of our MYP students shared books or participated in Open Mic to entertain.
Families and students provided activities, crafts and games. Thanks to our PCO for organizing.
10 Year Anniversary stamps were given. Thanks to the Craun Family for designing and donating these awesome passport stamps. Remember to attend events and get your passport stamped or see Mrs. Grzelak at school if you couldn’t make it.