Who we are is one of the themes in PYP. According to the IB, this theme explores: the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social, and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities, and what it means to be human. In the Middle Years this them is explored as the Global Context of Identities and Relationships.
This is often one of the first contexts students explore and contributes to building our community as the year begins by exploring who we are as individuals, a classroom community and as a school.
People work together to build communities.
Grade One thinkers and writers explore jobs in the community and working together.
Kindergarteners ask big questions.
They explore identity thinking about " What makes you who you are?" They are also learning about letters, sounds and what we can do to help each other out.
Identities, beliefs, values and family and friends are a part of who we are.
Identities and relationships in Grade 6.
Grade Three explores systems, relationships and community.
Essential Agreements and who we are
Who we are and what we do.